Sunday, September 18, 2011

MacKerricher State Park Sept 8-9, 2011

MacKerricher State Park is a diverse park offering something for just about everyone. Camping, hiking, all access Old Haul Road, picnic areas, fishing, horseback riding, wildlife viewing areas and plenty of beach.

Sunset Ride 

Sleeper Wave

Morning Fog on Old Haul Road 

Ghost Houses in the Distance

Prize Catch

Frequent Sleeper Waves and Strong Undertow at Laguna Point

 Evening Walkers on Old Haul Road

 Trash to Treasure on Glass Beach

Never turn your back to the ocean at Glass Beach, another 
beach with wicked sleeper waves.

Sunset rides along a sandy stretch of beach.

Humboldt Redwoods State Park Sept 9, 2011

One of the best ways to access Humboldt Redwoods State Park is by traveling along the Avenue of Giants. It is difficult to show just how giant these trees are, but the visitor's center has a labeled cross section that puts their age into perspective.

 Avenue of Giants

SUV to Stump Size Comparison 

Age Perspective

 The Green Bar at the top of the Pole is the Flood Level the Eel River Reached in the Town of Weott.

Richardson Grove State Park Sept 9, 2011

Richardson Grove State Park has campground, visitor's center, interpretive trail, picnic areas and riverside access.