Thursday, March 27, 2014


Spring has arrived in California! While I visit some of my favorite spring places I can't help to think about spring 2015. This time next year I will be hiking along the Appalachian Trail and experiencing spring in the mountains of Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and maybe Virginia. Until then, here are some of my favorite spring places in California.

~Goodnight California~
Table Mountain, CA

Table Mountain, CA

~Blanketed in Color~
Table Mountain, CA

Table Mountain, CA

~Set the Sun~
Table Mountain, CA

~Pacific Flyway in the Off Season~
GrayLodge, CA

~Hirschman's Pond~
Nevada City, CA

~First Signs of Spring~
Grass Valley, CA

~Put Through the Ringer and Hung Out to Dry~
Last season's cherries in Grass Valley, CA